Monday, March 24, 2014


Saturday by Brittany
The view from a hotel balcony 


Wow! The week has passed by so quickly! The last several days we have been working mainly on the kids space downstairs. The space needed a lot of help and we have made progress cleaning, organizing, plastering, painting and installing doors. Making it safer as well as more pleasing to the eye. The plastering that happened was a huge help. There were several large cuts in the walls as well as huge holes around fans and windows. Like, holes big enough for a small animal to crawl through. They are all filled and painted over now.  I am excited  as we have painted the room completely now and are tentatively planning on a painting a Noah's ark mural and verse on the wall.

Today has been very busy and our team has been all over the place helping with various projects. As I mentioned painting and putting in doors for most of the day but some people made it out of the basement to play soccer with refugees and continuing to build relationships there, while others went to the market to assist in buying/carrying the groceries for the next week. There are about 10 guys that are at the center currently, and the center director needed many hands to carry the pounds and pounds of food required to feed them all.

 Dad, Bailey and I helped out with the Albanian English class for an hour in the afternoon and then we all participated in the Albanian church service that night.  Kim shared his testimony and played guitar in the service  while most of us were needed to help with the children's program. I am positive the kids here have three times as much energy as kids in the USA. Or at least it seems like it.

There are so many details that I could go into about our day but you will just have to ask about it when we get back!

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